Commander Hadfield Saw Us!

#NipRockArt students have made their mark!  Dean Shareski recently invited some schools to take part in a project that he created.  We were thrilled to have the chance to participate.  Our Principal, Donna Fry, wrote about it too: "Collaboration: We've Arrived!"  Today, she tweeted the link to Commander Hadfield, who watched the video and tweeted back!  See the story here:  "Out of This World".  Isn't it amazing to see the wonderful connections and creations that can be made by working together?

Listen to #niprockart student Hanna Dahl and our Principal, Donna Fry on CBC Voyage North:

Hanna & Mrs. Fry getting ready for their interview...

Well done, everyone!!


  1. Oh wow that is so amazing! You guys rock at Red Rock and WTG Mrs. Rose for setting it up!!!

    1. Thank you, but I can't take the credit... Dean Shareski created the project & Donna Fry (who is associated with Dean) asked if teachers were interested. All I did was film our cool students & send in the file :) Isn't it amazing? Wow, it's so amazing to be part of such a HUGE experience!

  2. I missed this whole thing on Twitter :(. I have been playing Minecraft, the idea is to figure out how to incorporate it into my classroom but the truth is I just love to play it ;). I am going to link the audio to my post too.

    1. What's wonderful about the whole event (and Twitter adventure) is that it's so share-able. We all get to be part of something so amazingly cool, and so do our students!
      Isn't Minecraft fun? Already, my children enjoy it & have surpassed any skill that I (don't) have. I am completely floored by the creations that students can make as well as all the learning applications. So much exploring to do...


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