
Showing posts from August, 2014

#NipRockArt Students: What Will Your Year Look Like?

What makes you curious?  What captures your attention?  Where do you find freedom?  How can you use art to share your ideas? ..... Step 1:  Make your digital portfolio  (extra info here ) Step 2:  Create stuff.   Step 3:  Put your stuff in your portfolio & write about it.  Or talk about it.  Or make a video about it. ..... SOME FUN PROJECTS THAT #NipRockArt STUDENTS WILL ENJOY THIS YEAR: DOT DAY  WITH CHELSIE MEYER'S CLASS IN IOWA SISTER SCHOOL COLLABORATIONS WITH APEX HIGH SCHOOL IN NORTH CAROLINA ART MILES  PROJECT WITH JAPAN CONNECTING WITH STUDENTS IN MEXICO THROUGH  KNOW MY WORLD and so much more! ..... . . .