
Showing posts from April, 2012

Drama in the Art Room?

Well, maybe not exactly drama , but short films!  The grade 9 students have been very busy over the past few weeks compiling many digital images, working with sets, props, characters and lighting.  Patience and problem solving were two mandatory skills that were put to good use! Please click on the 'Film Festival' tab to enjoy what the students have created.  If you have a moment, feel free to provide a review by leaving a comment.  Thank you, and enjoy the show!

Art Students, Busy as Ever..

Make your own slide show at Animoto.

Experiments in the Art Room

The grade 9 art students are brave & ready for a challenge.  After admitting my (lack of) experience with stop motion animation and explaining how I hoped to try it in the class, they quickly shrugged and said "No problem, we'll try it out!" ~ awesome!  Guidance was needed... A solution came after reaching out to my colleagues in the world of Twitter.  Wes Fryer and Kevin Hodgson both came to the rescue by offering helpful advice (thanks guys!).  A free SAM Animation download was the first option...  I downloaded the software and the experiments began!  The next software suggestion was JellyCam Stop-Motion Maker but unfortunately my Mac is a bit too old for the latest version so I will be looking for other ways to use the program. Kevin's "Making Stopmotion Movies" site has been extremely helpful by offering steps, planning sheets and handy tips.  The students and I refer to his site again and again!  At this point, the students...