A Simple Piece of Paper

"A Simple Piece of Paper" 27 new grade 9 art students joined me in my class today. After I talked about the course, expectations and materials, they were given their first Challenge. I held up a blank sheet of paper and asked, "If I gave you this piece of paper, what could you do with it?" The answers started to come: "draw on it", "write on it"... "Good," I said, "what else?" More answers: "cut it", "fold it"... I went on. "What if this paper represented you? Would you lay flat? Would you be drawn on? What would be drawn? What colours would be painted? Would you be a sculpture? What form would you take? Would you be cut or torn? Would you be crumpled? ..." A simple piece of material, with so much potential. Just like us. I can't wait to see their papers tomorrow. #NipRockArt #art #artsed #arted
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