Laugh Out Loud

Humour + Art = ???

Image via OSSTF

OSSTF's annual Student Achievement Awards' theme, "LOL," prompted a new assignment for grade 11 art students.  The idea of a writing and art competition seems fairly serious, but with this year's theme, we are encouraged to take a look at a brighter, lighter side of things...

Image via Amazon

It was difficult for our class to think of art that was based on humour or laughter, so we began to discuss some options.   How can jokes influence our art without our art becoming a joke?

Bruce MacKinnon's editorial cartoons are funny, sarcastic and insightful.  His work is shared on social media because the images help us understand and appreciate events as a Nation (consider the profound imagery, dedicated to Cpl. Nathan Cirillo).  

But how can our class create art that is funny, or that captures humour in some way?  One or two students are tempted to try creating caricatures, while others aren't sure how humour might influence their art.  Is it ok to keep it simple?  What about cartoons?  What about jokes?  What about videos of pranks?  

I want to encourage my students to remember that, while this artwork can be very funny, they need to recognize the need for craftsmanship.  If an artwork is created without consideration for their material (or technique), the final product will not be successful because the idea will be lost in translation.  The audience will be too distracted by the poor craftsmanship to appreciate the humour.

Now it's time to have a little fun with our art...

**if you want to give some ideas to our class, please leave a comment below!**



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