
Showing posts from April, 2016

April 25 - 29

A note to my students:  I've been attacked by the flu bug, and haven't been able to be in class with you this week.  To help you make sure that you are all caught up on your work, I've prepared two padlet walls:  one for grade 10, and one for grade 9.  Find your wall, look through each day of the week and click on the resources.  I have also included the questions from each day in case you can't find them in the classroom. For students who are using Google docs:  don't forget to share your work with me using my email address!  . Created with Padlet Created with Padlet

Colour, Music, and Attawapiskat

After The Last River - Official Trailer from Victoria Lean on Vimeo . . How can we use colour to exaggerate what we see, to express what we think, and to connect with others? #attawapiskat #colour #music #NipRockArt #art #artsed #TAB A photo posted by Colleen Rose (@colleenkr) on Apr 19, 2016 at 8:05am PDT Colour + observation assignment for gr. 9 art students: You will be introduced to several artists who rely on observation to create their work. Whose work inspires you the most? What will you create (or what will you observe)? * you will be using acrylic paint. #NipRockArt #artsed @martinejohanna @alexameadeart #sciart A photo posted by Colleen Rose (@colleenkr) on Apr 19, 2016 at 10:47am PDT  Grade 9 students:  I have two options for you. If you are really interested in working with another material (not acrylic paint), talk to me.  Let's discuss options.  You still need to focus on using colour, but there are many, many w...