Colour, Music, and Attawapiskat

After The Last River - Official Trailer from Victoria Lean on Vimeo. .

 Grade 9 students:  I have two options for you.

  1. If you are really interested in working with another material (not acrylic paint), talk to me.  Let's discuss options.  You still need to focus on using colour, but there are many, many ways to use colour (and colour plans).  Let's explore the possibilities.
  2. Take a look at the image for grade 10 students.  Would you like to learn more about the issues facing Attawapiskat?  Is it our responsibility as Canadian citizens to know more about their struggles?  Is it our responsibility to do something once we know about their struggles?  What can be done?  What can we do?  What is possible?  What seems impossible?  Who can we talk to?  Can our art (and our actions) make a difference?


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